
马碧娟(大山脚, 36岁)一名住在大山脚的见证者:马碧娟在受访时说,家里排行第3女儿林慧芳(5岁),自出世后就一直闹病,让她束手无策,她表示,慧芳出世第3天就患上脑膜炎和肺部感染细菌,小小的生命曾分别被槟城及北海中央医院宣布严重,当时除了悲痛难过,更是四处想办法挽救女儿的小生命,作母亲的她不气馁,未放弃任何机会,最后“央求”亚罗士打医院施救,几经女努力终成功挽回慧芳的小生命,说起辛酸的历程,她语气也哽咽了。她说,自此小慧芳变得体弱多病,几乎每天都必须服药渡日,容易感冒发烧、敏感、伤风咳嗽、抵抗力极差、痰很多、都是从鼻子流出来,而她几乎每个星期都要抱著小孩去看医生,这么多年来从未间断过,终日让她忧心仲仲,在中医师的推介下,近月来她开始让小慧芳每天早晚服用[健脾宝],以期可改善她的体质,增强小女儿的抵抗力,连续特恒服用果见良好效果,小慧芳未见每天流鼻涕了,良好的反应让她感到非常心安。
Puan BEH PIK JUAN (48 tahun, Bukit Mertajam)Semasa ditemuduga pun BEH PIK JUAN (48tahun) dari Bukit Mertajam berkata, anaknya LIM HOOI FANG (5 tahun) telah dijangkiti berbagai jenis penyakit semenjak dilahirkan sehingga sekarang.Sejak kebelakangan ini keadaan HOOI FANG menjadi semakin lemah, dan selalu mengalami deman panas, batuk serta terdapat banyak kahak yang mengalir keluar melalui hidung. Beliau terpaksa kerap membawa anaknya mendapatkan rawatan di klinik, selepas mencuba segala ubat namun tiada perubahan ke atas anaknya, puan BEH sangat risau dan bimbang. Sejak beberapa bulan yang lepas, beliau mendapat nasihat dari seorang sen-sei dan mengalakkan supaya anak beliau mengambil Spleenex. Selepas mencuba spleenex beliau mendapati keadaan anaknya kini telah bertambah baik, dan beliau akan terus memberi anaknya mengambil spleenex. Kini beliau tidak lagi berasa bimbang dengan kesihatan anaknya.
Encik TAN AH HAN (Sg.Petani)Masalah angin di perut berlaku ke atas beliau lebih daripada 10 tahun. Setelah beliau mengguna Spleenex sejah 1 tahun yang lalu, masalah angin di perut telah diperbaiki, perasaan sakit di bahagian perut juga berkurangan..
Puan OOI SIEW HONG (60 tahun, Butterworth)Walaupun beliau telah berumur 60 tahun, beliau masih kelihatan muda. Menurut beliau, beliau agak menjaga kesihatan sejak muda dan juga mengambil Spleenex sejak kebelakangan ini untuk memelihara kesihatan. Bukan sahaja begitu, anak beliau sentiasa berasa berangin dan tidak selesa pada bahagian perut kerana tabiat diet yang kurang sihat. Setelah anak mengambil Spleenex, keadaan tersebut telah diperbaiki.
Puan TAN GUAT SIEW (50 tahun)Sebagai seorang penjaja, beliau agak sibuk. Tambahan pula, beliau bergantung kepada ubat dalam jangkamasa yang panjang dan ini menyebabkan beliau sentiasa berasa letih. Beliau mula mengambil Spleenex pada beberapa bulan yang lepas dan mendapati bahawa keadaan telah bertambah baik.
Puan YU SEE YIN (48 tahun, Butterworth)Beliau bekerja di kilang pakaian. Oleh sebab beliau menghadapi masalah angin perut, beliau mula mengambil Spleen sejak kebelakangan ini. Seleas itu, keadaan telah diperbaiki dan beliau juga bebas daripada masalah sembelit.
Puan LEE SWEE LAN (70 tahun, Pulau Pinang)Beliau sentiasa lesu kerana mengantuk dan kesejukan.Selain daripada mengambil ubat seperti biasa, anak beliau juga menasihati beliau untuk mengambil Spleenex. Selepas itu, beliau mendapati bahawa perasaan tidak selesanya kerana terlalu bergantung kepada ubat telah dapat diperbaiki di samping berasa lebih bersemangat.
Puan TAN MEI HONG ( Sg. Lalang )Beliau telah menjangkiti batuk, sensitif di hidung, banyak kahak dan angin perut melebihi 10 tahun. Beliau juga pernah menghadapi masalah sukar bernafas kerana batuk dan seterusnya dihantar ke hospital. Selepas itu kahak didapati berkumpul dari bahagian hidung sehingga kerongkong dan kahak yang dikeluarkan adalah berwarna hijau. Beliau juga tidak makan makanan pulut untuk mengelakkan masalah angin di perut.Sejak beliau mengambil Spleenex kerana cadangan sen-sei, kesihatan beliau telah diperbaiki. Beliau boleh makan makanan kegemaran beliau (pulut) pada bila-bila masa.Beliau juga kesihatan bersemangat dan gembira.
Pn. Tan( 23 tahun, Bkt. Mertajam)Menurut Pn. Tan dalam temu bual, beliau telah menghadapi penyakit gastrik sejak banyah tahun dahulu. Sebelum mahupun selepas berkahwin, sekiranya kerja yang sibuk menyebabkan beliau tidak dapat makan pada masa yang tetap, gastrik akan berlaku sehingga ke tahap beliau berasa kesejukan dan sangat tidak selesa. Masalah perut beliau tidak dapat diubati sepenuhnya walaupun beliau mengambil ubat gastrik. Sehinggalah beliau mengambil Spleenex sejak beberapa bulan yang lepas, keadaan telah bertambah baik. Beliau juga memperkenalkan Spleenex kepada kawan dan saudara mara.
En. Yeoh (PJK) (Pulau Pinang)En. Yeoh berkata, oleh sebab masalah asid perut, sekiranya beliau mengambil teh ataupun kopi, perut beliau akan berasa berangin dan tidak selesa serta kesejukan. Tambahan pula, beliau berasa tidak selesa dan tidak mudah menghadam. Sejak Spleenex diperkenalkan dalam pasaran, beliau mengambil 2 biji sehari dan seterusnya menikmati keberkesanan Spleenex. Kini, beliau sentiasa berselera dan bebas untuk makan apa-apa yang disukai.
En. Choo (Jawi)Masalah gastrik sejak 6, 7 tahun dahulu menyebabkan beliau perlu sentiasa berwaspada ke atas diet. Sekiranya gatrik berlaku, beliau perlu mengambil ubat barat untuk meringankan kesakitan, tetapi masalah gastrik masih tidak dapat diatasi sepenuhnya. Selepas kawan beliau mengesyor beliau mengambil Spleenex, beliau memang dapat menikmati keleibihannya. Bukan sahaja selera bertambah baik, beliau juga kelihatan lebih sihat dan cerah.
Pn. Ong (63 tahun, Pulau Pinang)Seperti orang tua berusia yang lain, lutut beliau sentiasa berasa sakit walaupun beliau telah mencuba pelbagai cara. Sejak anak perempuan beliau memberikannya sampel Spleenex, bukan sahaja masalah sakit lutut beliau diprebaiki, beliau juga berasa lebih cergas. Oleh itu, beliau mengambil Spleenex sehingga kini.
En. Tan (63 tahun, Bukit Mertajam)En. Tan berkata, beliau tidak dapat menikmati pelbagai jenis makanan yang sedap seperti kari santan, pulut dan kopi kerana beliau telah menghadapi masalah gastrik sejak banyak tahun dahulu. Setiap kali gastrik berlaku, beliau berasa perut berangin, tiada selera dan tidak selesa. Keadaan masih tidak berubah walupun beliau pernah menjumpai ramai doktor dan mencuba pelbagai jenis ubat. Sehinggalah kedai ubat Cina mengersyorkan Spleenex, beliau mengambil Spleenex setiap pagi dan malam. Beliau berasa sangat puas hati dengan kesan Spleenex kerana keadaan gastrik telah berkurangan, selera bertambah baik dan sistem pencernaan juga diperbaiki.
Pn. Ng (40 tahun, suri rumah tangga)Masalah edema yang berlaku setiap pagi pada bahagian mata beliau berlaku sejak banyak tahun yang lepas. Bukan sahaja begitu, beliau juga menghadapi masalah sembelit. Sekiranya beliau mengambil makanan yang pedas, perut beliau akan berasa berangin. Sehinggalah kawan beliau mengesyor beliau untuk mengambil Spleenex, masalah edema, gastrik dan sembelit telah diperbaiki.
En. Cheah (41 tahun, Butterworth)Setiap kali beliau minum kopi-ais, beliau akan bersendawa dengan kerap dan berasa tidak selesa. Keadaan sebegini diperbaiki selepas mengambil Spleenex. Namun, keadaan yang sama berlaku lagi sekiranya beliau minum kopi-ais. Sen-sei yang mencipta Spleenex menasihati beliau menjaga perut dan limpa dengan Spleenex serta mengelak pengambilan makanan yang tidak sesuai. Sehinggalah perut dan limpa menjadi lebih sihat, keadaan bersendawa tersebut akan berhenti
Madam Beh( Age 36, Bukit Mertajam)Madam Beh, who is from Bukit Mertajam said during interview, her 3rd daughter, Lim Hui Fang (5 years old) always fell sick since she was born. Hui Fang was diagnosed to have meningitis and lung infection 3 days after she was delivered. Both Penang and Seberang Prai General Hospital announced this little baby girl’s condition was serious. During that period of time, Madam Beh was sad, yet as a mother she didn’t want to give up and didn’t allow herself to miss out any chances to save her little baby’s life. Finally, she managed to send her baby to Hospital Alor Setar and begged for help. After much effort, Hui Fang’s little life was successfully saved. She was choked with sobs while describing her difficult time with us. But since after that, Hui Fang became very weak. She was easily fallen sick (flu, fever, allergy, cough, poor immune system, phlegm from nose) and need to take medicines almost everyday. She was brought to consult doctor almost every week and it was continued for so many years. Recently, Hui Fang was given Speenex every morning and night according to the recommendation of Chinese Traditional Practitioner to improve her immune system. After a certain period of continuous consumption, little Hui Fang’s condition was much improved. She is not sneezing every day now and this positive reaction relieves Madam Beh’s worries so much.
Mr Tan (Sungai Petani)I was suffering from cold, flu and windy stomach for about 10 over years. One year ago, I started to consume Spleenex and I realised that my windy condition is getting much better now.
Madam Ho (Age 55, Butterworth)Madam Ho is a kitchen helper in a vegetarian restaurant. She said during interview that she was suffering from gastric and windy stomach problems for many years. This condition was really troubling her. Doctor said it was due to hyperacidity and she was advised to take care of her daily diet and to avoid some foods, like coffee, tea, Nasi Lemak and so on. Few months ago, a friend of her recommended her to take Spleenex everyday to experience its real treatment. After she took Spleenex, she felt that it was getting easier to fart, to defecate and to ease the indigestion problem, even during her busy working periods or while she delays her meal. She has introduced Spleenex to other people.
Chen Yu Heng (Age 7, Bukit Mertajam)Madam Chuang said, Yu Heng is her 1st child. He was weak since he was young, always sick with flu, cough, asthma and allergy condition. He visited doctor almost every month, to have injection or medications. Every times he coughed; he will have shortness of breath, with plenty of phlegm. While he was 2 to 3 years old, they used to wake up in the midnight to send Yu Heng to hospital in order to suck out the phlegm. The experience was really unforgettable for Madam Chuang. Since last few months, she started to give Yu Heng Spleenex everyday to improve his immune efficiency, and she noticed that there is significant improvement on Yu Heng. The allergy condition is improved and the frequency of sneezing is much reduced. As a mother, she feels so much relieves.
Madam Huang (Age 60, Butterworth)Although Madam Huang is already 60 years old, she doesn’t look old physically. She said she knew different ways to keep herself young and healthy since she was young. Recently she also took Spleenex every morning and night to improve her body’s strength and to prevent uncomfortable during menopause. She said, her children always have indigestion problems and the conditions are improved after taking Spleenex.
Madam Tan (Age 50)Due to long-term under medications and busy working life-style as a hawker, Madam Tan was exhausted and tired. She started to take Spleenex few months ago and noticed that there are good improvements. She doesn’t feel tired easily and always full of energy.
Madam Yu (Age 48, Butterworth)Madam Ee is a tailor in factory. She started to consume Spleenex everyday few months ago because she always suffered from windy stomach and oedema. After she took Spleenex, not only the oedema condition is improved, she is also free from constipation problem.
Madam Lau (Age 70, Penang)70 years old Madam Lau would like to share her personal experience with Spleenex with everyone. While she was interviewed, she mentioned that few years ago, she always felt tired, lethargic, fatigue and languor. The children brought her to doctor for full body check up. She was found to have diabetes and was under long-term medication to control the blood sugar level. About 6 months ago, she started to take Spleenex according to the recommendation of Chinese Traditional Practitioner and the reaction was good. She felt relieved and sugar level was decreased. The side-effects of long-term medications were also improved. She felt refreshed and she can now handle the house-work at home and take care of her grandchildren. She is very happy!
Madam Tan (Age 51, Sungai Lalang)Madam Tan, 51 years old, lives in Bandar Baru, Sungai Lalang and she is an operator in a factory. She suffered from frequent cough, plenty of phlegm, nose allergy, windy stomach, insomnia and sneezing in the morning for about 10 over years. These conditions were troublesome. She sought for many doctors and tried her best to control her daily diet and life-style, yet she looked sick and lethargic. She used to cough non-stop in the midnight and was sent to hospital due to shortness of breath. It was found that the greenish phlegm and mucus were accumulated from the nose until the throat. She said, about 6 months ago, she consulted a Chinese Traditional Practitioner and started to consume Spleenex. She realised that her body was getting better, there was not more windy stomach, and even she ate many “Bak Zhang” this year. She looks healthy and joyful now.
Mdm. Tan (Age 23, Bukit Mertajam)Ms Tan has gastric problems before and after marriage for a few years. Normally when she was too busy with her work and missed the meal, then she would experienced windy stomach and gastric pain. The conditions would cause icy limbs, sweating and very uncomfortable. She tried difference kinds of medicines yet couldn’t cure the problem completely. She tried Spleenex few months ago and found improvement. She also recommends Spleenex to her friends and relatives.
Mr. Yeoh (PJK) (Penang)Mr. Yong PJK is from Penang, he said during interview thathe started to take Spleenex everyday since Spleenex was available in the market early the year. He continued with 2 capsules daily now. He showed that due to his hyperacidity problem, he would suffer windy stomach, uncomfortable, sweating, indigestion and lack of appetite whenever he didn’t control his diet well, for example when he took coffee or tea. After taking Spleenex, he found its effectivessness personally, He is happy with the improvement and Spleenex has resumed his good appetite.
Mr. Choo (Jawi)Mr. Choo is a technician from Jawi. He started to take Spleenex few months ago and experienced the effectiveness of Spleenex on his windy stomach and gastric problems personally. He mentioned during the interview that he suffered from gastric pain and windy stomach for about 6-7 years. He needs to take extra care on his daily diet. He used medication to stop the pain normally whenever he got this problem. The medication did help to ease the uncomfortable but it couldn’t cure the problem completely. He knew Spleenex from newspaper and he started to take it everyday after recommended by his friend. Currently he has already taken 3 bottles and he experienced the effectiveness. His gastric problems are improved and he has good appetite now. He can eat whatever he likes and he looks healthy and energetic.
Mdm. Ong (Age 63, Penang)Madam Wong stays in Jalan Lima, Penang. She experienced the effectiveness of Spleenex personally after taking it. She said, she is just like most of the elderly people, always suffer from knees and joints pain. Last few months, her daughter brought back Spleenex and she started to take it daily. She noticed significant improvement of her condition. She felt deceased pain of her knees and joints, freshen up and more energetic. She continues to get Spleenex from medical hall until now.
Mr. Tan (Age 63, Bukit Mertajam)Mr. Tan is staying in Sri Rambai, Bukit Mertajam. He said he had windy stomach problem many years ago and hence he missed out many delicious foods especially curry, coffee and polished glutinous rice. Every times he had gastric and windy stomach problems, he felt very uncomfortable and lack of appetite. Consultation to doctors couldn’t help to ease his problems effectively. Due to the recommendation of a medical hall’s staff, he started to take Spleenex every morning and night few months ago. He experienced the decreased frequency of the discomfort, improved in digestion, good appetite and happiness!
Mdm. Ng (Age 40, housewife)Madam Huang is a housewife. She was suffering from edema many years ago. Normally she would find swelling around his eyes every morning after she woke up from bed and the swelling disappeared only at about noon. Besides, she also had constipation problem where she went to toilet once every 2-3 days. If she didn’t beware of her daily diet, she would experience hyperacidity and stomach discomfort. After she tried Spleenex when her friend recommended her, she noticed a great improvement for her edema and stomach discomfort problems. Besides, she is also free from constipation, she is able to defecate everyday.
Mr. Cheah (Age 41, Butterworth)Staying in Butterworth, Mr. Cheah said, since early this year, he always burps after taking ice coffee and he felt uncomfortable and depressed. His friend was then recommended him to take Spleenex and he tried to take 2 capsules every morning and night. He noticed improvement and the burps were decreased. He was then take ice coffee as usual since there were no more burps but the problems came back when he took ice coffee. The Chinese Traditional Practitioner advised him to take care and maintain his stomach and spleen with Spleenex at the moment, avoid some stimulants and when his spleen and stomach are strong, he will not suffer the same problems again.