女姿宝 Lady Mas







根据“女姿宝”中医师临床经验,一般女性在发生月经失调的状况时,当事人只是从子宫问题或妇科疾病方面著手,而忽略了这是由于个人长期不规律生活,加上月经期间缺乏保健,平日饮食不当,喜爱冰凉酸辣的食物,即使经期照吃不误,久而久之也就造成月经实失调。 月经是女性特有的生理现象,自青春期开始,就与女性朋友相伴至绝经,每个月的那几天都是女性颇为烦恼的日子,除了情绪低落之外,不管严重的,轻微的,总有让女性特别困扰的问题,如月经失调所引起的:暗疮,黑斑,褐色斑,黑眼圈,眼袋浮肿,面色暗淡无光,白带,下体痕痒,频尿。尿失禁,子宫下垂,身体发胖,失眠多梦等症状。






Unsur persekitaran, habitat diet yang tidak sesuai serta tekanan fizikal dan mental sentiasa mengakibatkan wanita masa kini menghadapi manopous pada usia yang terlalu muda.

Manopous akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan mental, keletihan, pening kepala, tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian, kepanasan, kitaran haid tidak tetap dan wajah kulit yang gelap. Lagipun, ketidakstabilan hormon menyebabkan kekurangan rembesan dan perasaan kering di bahagian kemaluan. Ini juga mengganggu kehidupan seks wanita.

Menurut sensei Ladymas, wanita masa kini sentiasa mengabaikan penjagaan diri pada masa haid, contohnya pengambilan maakanan yang sejuk ataupun masam dan ini menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakstabilan haid.

Ketidak stabilan haid menyebabkan:jerawat, bintik hitam di kulit wajah, warna gelap di sekeliling mata, kulit wajah tidak berkilat, keputihan, perasaan gatal di bahagian kemaluan, kegemukan, tidak dapat tidur lena, kesejukan jari kaki dan tangan, darah haid terlalu banyak ataupun sedikit, perasaan muram, pening, letih dan lain-lain.

Ladymas membantu melancarkan kitaran darah dan qi, mengimbangkan hormon dan rembesan dalaman, mengurangkan perasaan tidak selesa semasa datang haid, melepaskan tekanan, membantu wajah kulit menjadi lebih jelita dan memperbaiki kehidupan seks anda.

Due to the special characteristics for women, in addition to their emotion, softness, sensitive, easily influenced by the objects and environment, and imbalanced daily diet, slimming and others, under pressure physically and mentally, have caused weakness of human body’s secretion systems and getting more and more women are experiencing irregular periods and subsequently bring forward the period of menopause.

During pre-menopause period, there is instability of the emotional conditions; irritability, easily frustrated, depressed, mood disturbances, anxiety, fatigue, giddiness, blurred vision, difficult to concentrate, hot flushes, irregular periods, skin thinning and decreased elasticity of the skin.

Besides due to hormone imbalance, decreased in secretion causes vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy which will lead to painful intercourse and decreased libido. This will affect a normal sexual life between husband and wife.

According to the clinical experience of “Ladymas” Chinese traditional practitioner, women will normally worry of uterus, cervical or gynecology problems when they experience irregular periods and they neglect that this is actually due to their personal long-term irregular life-style pattern and in addition to lack of health care during menstruation, imbalanced diet, icy cold sour hot food, and all these have led to irregular periods.

Menstruation is a special feature of physiological symbol for female. It starts to accompany a female friend from teenage period until menopause. The few days during the month can be considered as distressing days for female. Besides moody, no matter it’s serious or minor, it brings certain extend of troublesome to female. For example, pimples, dark spots, pigmentation, dark circles, swelling eye bags, dull face’s tone, white discharges, itching, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, sagging uterus, plump, insomnia and so on.

Period pain will cause cold limbs, back and body ache, prolonged menstruation and so on. Increased or decreased in blood volume will lead to troubling problems like depression, giddiness, sleep disturbances, aging skin, dryness and itchiness.

Most female think that losing blood during menstruation or irregular periods problems should be overcame with supplements. Actually, “supplement” concept is correct, but it has to cooperate with personal constitution to avoid “overreach oneself”.

Ladymas” essential feature is made from different types of good quality herbs’ extract and concentrates. It’s main indication is to strengthen spleen, soften liver, supplement kidneys, promote blood circulation, balance hormone secretion, help to ease uncomfortable symptoms during menstruation, detoxification, improve period pain, tighten tummy, lighten eyes dark circles and black spots, eliminate tiredness, bring relaxation towards pressure, skin whitening, vanish pigmentation, anti-wrinkle, promote healthy skin tone and look radiance. It promotes higher degree of confidence and healthy for women both physically and mentally, restores sexual desire, looked youthful and radiance, and resumes your happy and blissful life.

Directions: Take 2 capsules twice daily (better effect during menstruation)

Effects: People with white discharges may experience increased in discharge volume during initial stage. It will decrease gradually until it is totally cured.

Detoxification: Discharges with membrane or small amounts of blood is considered normal reaction and it’ll disappear gradually. If feeling heaty at the beginning period, it is due to the reaction to strengthen body immune efficiency and it is a good reaction. It may be suspended and resumed when the heatiness has resolved.