更美 Lady Queenly




1) 寒性:虚寒体质因血液循环較慢導致消化功能減退加上缺乏运动, 身型易肥胖或 虚胖, 水腫, 喜安静独处﹐易腹瀉,腰酸背痛﹐手足冰冷﹐頻尿﹐白帶﹐氣血不足,子宮寒冷或下垂. 体质虚寒經期常推遲兼有血塊經血少﹐經痛 (冷痛﹐絞痛﹐隱隱作痛}.臉青唇白。 (古方茶力丸具有驱风散寒除湿,温肾暖宫,适合寒性体质调理),

2) 熱性﹕体质身型一般比較瘦﹐情緒易激動和精神緊张, 發, 目赤,肋痛, 畏 喜冷, 五心煩﹐難集中精神﹐扰鬱過度﹐失眠多夢﹐頸緊﹐甲狀腺 (大頸包) ,尿黃﹐口干舌燥,時常口腔潰爛﹐咽喉痛﹐口渴﹐口臭﹐ 易便秘,妇女或少女月经问题会比较多,面色沉黯.

体質虚熱:經期時常提早兼有血塊﹐量多或少﹐色紫紅或深紅﹐質稠粘﹐經血淋漓不断(崩漏)或點滴不淨, 經痛(刺痛﹐灼痛) ,白帶(色黃或赤)量多或少,质稠黏腥异味 ﹐情緒焦慮不安,腹瀉,失血貧血,頭痛或頭暈,偏头痛,惡心,肌膚容易長青春痘,黑斑,雀斑等生理反應。



女性的体質就通过生理的反应,来告诉她身体健康状况。如果女性对此置之不理,让月事(继续失调),久而久之,就会导致她罹患一些疾病。比如卵巢发育欠佳,雌激素水平降低,而在女性的外表,则容易出现面色萎黄无华,唇甲苍白,肌肤长斑等等。影响了外型的美观。随着年龄的增长可能会婦科病 (不孕,月经倒流,子宫瘤) 等等。



特别推荐更美LADY QUEENLY適于性體質调理,滋陰養血﹐清除濕﹐养阴生津,涼血调经,止血﹐疏肝解郁,改善月經症候﹐平衡體內荷爾蒙﹐舒缓情緒﹐促深睡眠﹐平和心境,达到身心內外皆更美LADY QUEENLY


Oleh sebab peredaran darah yang lambat,fungsi pencernaan makananpun kurang baik,badan lebih gemuk,edema kerana kurang bersukan,suka kesunyian,cirit-birit,ketidak selesaan bagian pinggang,sakit sendi tulang belakang,kesejukan tangan dan kaki,kerap kencing,keputihan,anemia,kekurangan qi,wajah nampak pucat,kesejukan organ, turun rahim,masa haid yang berpanjangan serta darah sedikit,mulas atau sakit haid.

(MANJATIMAH sesuai untuk menjaga kesihatan persalinan dan sakit kesejukan organ puan,dapat menghembuskan angin,menguatkan buah pinggang dan tumbung rahim.)


Mereka yang organ bersifat kepanasan kebanyakan berbadan kurus,lemah badan,mulut dan lidah kering,berasa panas,mata pedih merah,sakit sendi tulang belakang,suka suhu rendah,mudah marah,sentiasa bermimpi dan tidur tak lena,denyut jantung cepat,leher tegang,tiroid,sembelit,kencing panas kuning,ulser mulut,nafas berbau,sakit kerongkong,dahaga,serta wajah kurang cerah.

Wanita atau gadis yang berkeadaan organ kepanasan ,mereka sentiasa mengalami masalah haid.Kebanyakan gadis tidak peduli jaga ,terutama yang suka mengambil makanan pedas,masam,ais,berlemak,gorengan ,buah-buahan yang bersifat panas,atau sejuk ,minuman bergas dan asinan.Lama-kelamaan banyak masalah timbul dan menjejaskan fungsi ovari,seperti:keputihan berwarna kuning berbau,,masa haid tidak tepat,darah haid terlalu banyak berpejal, atau sedikit berkepanjangan hari serta melekat,warna merah tua dan sakit haid ,lama-kelamaan dapat mengakibatkan kemandulan serta tumor rahim,emosi tidak stabil,anemia,migraine,pening kepala,berasa ingin muntah,bintik-bintik hitam,jerawat dan sebagainya.

LADY QUEENLY menyuburkan badan wanita ,menyeimbangkan sifat organ kepanasan,menggalakkan kitaran darah haid ,menyeimbangkan hormon,menenangkan perasaan “kecantikan merupakan mimpi setiap wanita.”,organ yang sihat tercipta badan sihat, barulah dapat menikmati kecantikan internal(emosi) dan eksternal (wajah)

Our human constitution may become cold or heaty.

The changes of these two conditions inside our body will affect our health and lead to weakness. In order for the adjustment to work effectively, we have to firstly understand our own body constitution i.e. the nature of cold or heat.

1.The nature of cold:

Due to poor blood circulation that decreases the effectiveness of digestive system, people with the nature of cold are normally puffy or plump, oedema yet do not exercise, prefer silent and isolated, frequent diarrhea, back and body ache, cold limbs, urinary frequency, white discharges, anemia, pale appearance, cold or sagging uterus, delayed cold nature of menstruation with blood clots and decreased in volume, period pain (cold pain, colic pain, dull pain) (Manjamatimah can effectively improve the windy and “cold”condition, eliminate extra moisture in the body, protect and strengthen kidney and uterus. It is suitable for the nature of “cold”.)

2.The nature of heat:

People with the nature of heat are mostly slimmer, unstable emotion, get frustrated easily, dry mouth, fever, dry mouth, stitch pain, prefer cold but fear of warm, get upset easily, difficult to concentrate, anxiety, insomnia, palpitation, neck tightness, hyperthyroidism, dry stools or constipation, yellowish urine, always suffer from oral ulcers, sore throat, thirst, bad breath, dim and dull appearance.

Menstruation period will be ahead of time in people with the nature of heat. Menstruation is accompanied with blood clots, increased or decreased in volume, dark or fresh red, sticky in nature, uterine bleeding (constant bleeding) or continual bleeding with little volume, period pain (sting pain, searing pain), white discharges (yellowish or reddish) with big or small amount, bad or offensive fishy smell, moody and emotionally unstable, diarrhea, anemia, headache, dizziness, feel nauseated, skin conditions that prone to pimples and other physiological reactions.

We are now living under a tension and stressful city life, moving forward to a high speed, fast tempo and efficient type of living styles. Overwork or overstrain is a kind of sickness resulted by civilization. It is the product of tension. Human’s constitution will be modified according to the changes of environment, living styles, age increased, daily diet, emotion. For example, the change of weather or to get wet in the rain and improper treatment when one is sick will cause the extra “moisture” to be kept inside the body and it will be converted to “heat” after a period of time inside the body. Especially people in this modern day who eat plentifully, lack of exercise, stay inside air conditional room for long period of time, stay up late, frequent sexual activities, long term overwork, in addition of the nature of heat, overly take in spicy, oily, fried food and some “heaty” fruits, may worsen the condition.


When different symptoms arise during menstrual period, most of the ladies and women do not really care about them, especially young adolescent girls who like to take in spicy, sour, oily, fried food, heaty fruits, cold icy soft drinks and pickled food. If the uterus is under moisture cold or moisture heat condition for a period of time, the physiological functions will be affected and lead to a disorder. The occurrence of white discharges (clear whitish, dark yellowish or reddish), period pain, irregular menstruation, increased or decreased in menstrual blood volume, sticky and fishy smelly in nature represent signs and symptoms of conditions of certain diseases.

Lady Queendy strengthens uterus, provides enough blood, eliminates extra “moisture”and “heat” in the body, controls the blood circulation and protect the liver for people with the nature of heat. It relieves the uncomfortable symptoms during menstrual period, balances up the hormone in the body, regulates emotion and feeling, promotes quality sleep and soothes mind and soul. Beauty is definitely everyone’s dream. But you can only become prettier from inside and outside when you possess a healthy body and constitution. Lady Queendy.