1) 防止血管硬化,促進血液循環在西方醫藥的研究發現,經常食用白背黑木耳精华會使血液黏稠度降低,並含有多達九種抗凝血物質,預防或溶解血栓,緩和冠狀動脈粥狀硬化症狀等。
2) 降血脂,益心腦血管疾病白背黑木耳精华:所含的酸性多醣體成份也是降血膽固醇和血脂肪的好幫手,曾做過心導管手術的病人,常吃可以預防動脈硬化,還能減少胸口鬱悶,疼痛等。
3) 刺激腸道運動,避免便秘白背黑木耳精华:就有益腸道健康,研究發現的膠質,可把殘留在人體消化系統的灰塵,雜質,吸附集中排出體外,有清胃,滌腸的作用,特別建議從事如理髮師,紡織工人,化工,礦場人員應多食白背黑木耳精华,幫助排除身體廢棄物等。
4) 增加飽足感,減少食量,逹到減肥功效
(5) 改善貧血,預防骨質疏鬆白背黑木耳精华:其鈣質含量是肉類的30~70倍,鐵質比肉類更高達100倍之多,因此不失為民眾補充鈣,鐵等營養素的最佳選擇。
白背黑木耳精华:可把滞留在体内的灰尘,杂质排出体外,对胆结石,肾结石,膀胱结石等内源性异物也有比较显著的化解功能,是低热量,高能量常吃更是养生防病 ,一般补充钙,铁等营养素最佳选择.(调理需要1个疗程3个月,早晚各取1包)
Sogatella black fungus essence with acidic polysaccharides, proteins, minerals, pectin, nutrient-rich, known as <Meaty Veggie, Veggie meat>, more known it as the “Veggie bird’s nest”; it has a high nutritional value.
People from the age of 20, refuse began to deposit in blood vessels, from the age of 30 years, the deposition of cholesterol is significantly faster. Nearly 80% of the people over 50 are suffering from vascular garbage intrusion. Blood is the primary source to nourish the body organs, it
flows through the body’s tissues and organs, but with age, the contaminated blood, if not cleared up, will cause blood to become sticky, resulting in unsmooth blood circulation. Nowadays, elderly most concerned topic; the “three high” which refers to high cholesterol, hypertension, high blood viscosity, is a cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, is harmful to human health! Which is also the number one killer!
Five efficacies found in Sogatella black fungus essence to prevent diseases and maintain good health:
1) To prevent hardening of the arteries and promote blood circulation. In the study of Western medicine; regular consumption of Sogatella black fungus essence will reduce blood viscosity, as it contains up to nine anti-clotting substances, thus preventing or dissolving blood clots, easing coronary atherosclerosis.
2) Lower blood pressure: reduce cardiovascular disease. Sogatella black fungus essence contain acidic polysaccharide ingredients help to lower blood cholesterol and blood fat, those patient with heart by-passed, can consume it regularly to prevent atherosclerosis, and also to reduce chest pain.
3) To stimulate bowel movements and avoid constipation Sogatella black fungus essence helps to provide better intestinal health, the research, found that its gum can help to excrete dust, impurities which remain in the human digestive system; a good cleansing agent for intestine. It is especially good for hairdressers, textile workers, chemical handler, and miners. Regular eating this white-back black fungus will help to get rid the body wastes.
4) Increase satiety; reduce food intake and hence good slimming effect.
Sogatella black fungus essence is rich in dietary fibre, its dietary fibre characteristics help to stimulate bowel movement. Apart from this, its highly absorbent feature, will increase satiety, hence enable one to control appetite and reduce food intake.
(5) Improve anaemia, prevention of osteoporosis Sogatella black fungus essence calcium content is 30 to 70 times of meat, and 100 times more iron that found in meat, it may well be the best choice of supplement for calcium, iron and other nutrients.
Sogatella black fungus essence: can help to excrete dust and impurities reside in body, thus significantly reduce the formation of gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones. It is low in calories, but high-energy food, regular eating prevents sickness and prolongs life. It may consider as best supplement for calcium, iron and other nutrients.
(Direction: One pack each in morning and evening for a total of three months)
Note: Not suitable for those who is going for or just had tooth extraction and female menstrual period.